Hey there, I'm Cherlyn Chong.
I'm a recovery and dating coach who helps high-achieving professional women do these two very important things:
1. Take back their lives and careers from very painful breakups with crappy men.

2. Get back out there again and find the right man who'll love and value them.
I'm the only breakup expert out there who deals with all our relationship gunk with original cartoons and laughter - because sometimes in the darkest of times, we just need to laugh at the pain.
Throw in my unique blend of psychology, science and spirituality, and you've got a whole life transformation that really works. And I mean it, our success rate with our programs is >97%!
That means that either a lot of women got over their exes or got into an amazing new relationship. Or both!

My Story
Now, you're probably wondering about why I started this site.
Or you're wondering if I'm actually illiterate because I can't spell "happyness." One of those two things I suppose.
I hail from the tiny island country of Singapore. We do things like be very clean here. =)

In 2013, I met a guy while I was backpacking across New Zealand. Imagine a lake with crystal clear water flowing over rocks of the most brilliant hues of blue, green and yellow while mists softly roll across the surface. Super romantic and certainly very LOTR. That was where we met, on a wooden platform suspended just above the lake.
We soon fell in love, and found ourselves moving back to Singapore where we started living together. It was absolutely perfect, and I was over the moon at finally having met someone who seemed so perfect and SO awesome.
In 2014, my soulmate, the man who said he wanted to marry me (and by that I mean he actually had a ring in his pocket) broke up with me and I was left completely both stunned and devastated.
But I knew I couldn't stay that way forever, and I started deeply reflecting back on my life. I knew I had to do something. I needed something more.. I needed to go places, earn more and do more.
I finally decided that if I didn't get out of the job I was in, I would stay stuck forever. I threw myself into acing every single interview at major international corporations and almost immediately landed myself a dream job at a Fortune 500 company.
I was delighted, and even more so when my ex came back again in 2015, deeply regretting the breakup. I accepted him back, thinking it would be different this time.. thinking that maybe if we solved everything, we'd really make it this time.
Nope. That all went to shitcrap faster than you could say "Whoa."
I lost the amazing new job that wasn't so amazing after all and got my heart broken again for the 4th effing time. My ex, as it had turned out, had a TON of issues that he needed to sort out alone, and no matter how much I protested or tried, there was just no room for me in his future.
It came to a point where I was sitting on my bed (and a couple of times, the floor), wondering how could I have failed so bloody badly... AGAIN.
But this time.. I was determined to really push through. I think I had a huge middle finger pictured in my head when I went about really taking life by the balls and really making my own rules.
And so, in that very strange moment of clarity and defiance, I decided to make a comic that described exactly what I was going through so I could use it to help other people. I was going to use the breakup for good instead of evil (a.k.a. I decided to turn a very painful thing into something really positive, but good vs evil sounded much more dramatic).
The damn thing went viral, and comments and emails of gratitude just started pouring in. It was truly humbling, and I never felt more connected to so many strangers over the internet. You can see it here.

With all of this going on, I was actually able to get over my own heartbreak in just 30 days.
How was I able to do it? Well, I was simply very, very determined to be happy.
Since then, I've made it my mission to help women who were exactly where I was... at the height of their success, only to realize that the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with didn't feel the same way...
...trying to keep the devastation from affecting their careers...
....but at the same time knowing that life has more for them than just pain.
I help people who have no time to be devastated because I never want anyone to go through that kind of frustration and level of hopelessness ever again.
I fell down and got back up again, and you can too.
I've since gotten myself into an amazing relationship with someone who accepts me for who I am and tells me every single day that he loves me. I want the exact same thing for you too.
I've been called a mind-ninja, psychic and a spy. But I rather be called Cherlyn. Or goddess of kickass. Whatever you wish. =)
But really, think of me as your fairy godmother with pom-poms. And pu'er tea.
The Difference between Coaching and Therapy
Coaching and therapy are different in the way your physical fitness instructor is not your doctor.
Basically, therapists (both psychiatrists and psychologists) diagnose or professionally treat mental illnesses, while coaching takes that deep work and builds on it.
When you work with a therapist, you delve deep into your past and uncover deep emotional wounds there. I then help turn those wounds into strength.
I help people wake up in the morning, happy to face the day instead of being filled with dread, because they've realized that their ex was NOT that great after all. They didn't lose THE ONE, they lost the illusion of The One. And when the importance of the relationship is significantly lessened, the spotlight goes back to them and the courage to let go, to move on from the past, is found once again.
I offer deep insights and perspectives about people's situations they never would be able to see by themselves, so much so that many of my clients get multiple "Aha!" moments and are able to feel immediately better even after a 30 min session with me.
Coaching and therapy help you vastly in the terms of self-improvement and go hand-in-hand with each other to help you achieve life goals much faster than you would have been able to by yourself. This deep, soulful work has been especially vital for people dealing with anxiety disorders, stress, OCD, PTSD, and depression.
But the Non-Fluffy Version?
I tell people exactly what to do.
We come up with a course of action after every session, and I push you to become the best you that you can possibly be. It's about strategy and implementation, not talking about feelings till the cows come home.
I'm interested in results. And darn it all, I'll hold your hand until you get them.
Also, there's usually some form of wine involved somewhere. Because though you can't see it right now, it's a breakup party and you're invited. No good relationship ends in a breakup, after all.
The Programs
Had enough of the drama? Wanna be DONE with the pain and heartache?
Check out my signature program - Get Over Him
You may reach me at [email protected] or via the contact form below.
Please note that unless you are enrolled into the Get Over Him or Get Him programs or are a VIP client, I can't privately answer any questions about your relationship or breakup. I can definitely answer any questions you have about my paid courses though. =)
If you're genuinely interested in working with me, a better way is to just apply for a FREE 30min session with me HERE.
For anything else, please use the contact form below and we will get back to you within a couple of business days. =)